Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Research Exercise 2

Mike Menghini
Eng 1050
Research Exercise #2
Topic Choice: Mexican Immigration

Works Cited

The View From Both Sides. (2008, January). Newsweek, 151(01), 26. Retrieved February 6, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1407033861).


Changing how Americans view immigrants will help change the problem by focusing how people will debate about them. Many people look at immigrants as nothing more than cheap labor but not as humans. They think of them as a tool to get what they need done.

Paraphrase and a response

According to the Anonymous author in Newsweek, People see immigrants as workers, but not as human beings who deserve a driver's license.(para9) By not allowing an immigrant a drivers license we are not only treating them less important than anyone else, we are making our roads unsafe by allowing potentially dangerous drivers to get behind the wheel on our roads. While immigrations may hurt some of the lower classes chances for jobs, the laws and debates hurt our country as a whole and make it less safe to live in.

1 comment:

Andrea Stemaly said...

You don't need to state there is an anonymous author-just use the source.
Also, check the formatting for your in-text citation.